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I have released a (very early) version 2.0 of this project! check it out here!


Hey guys, not been many updates for a while, but i am slowly working on rewriting a lot of the code for this game, and just generally making it better and less broken. who knows, maybe one day it'll even not look like a poor tech demo!

is the game still being worked on?

not currently, but thinking I may come back to it soon and re haul the entire thing and make it actually good


any plans on nsfw content or is it purely visual design


At the moment nsfw content is limited but once the gameplay loop is more finished the nsfw content will be added onto


Hey, I would play the game if the human character no longer has socks and her hair is unbraided , also is there a cheat incase if its difficult?

Hi there, currently there's no cheat settings or character settings as its early in development, but later on I'm planning to add a difficulty slider and some sort of character creator/selector system :)


nice concept for now, keep workin~

Thanks! :)