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Will there be any girldick in this game?


probably something i'll add in the future, the project is essentially on haitus at the moment

Would there also be any male enemies (preferably nonhumanoid or twinks)?

This already feels like a great foundation for a game! It's obviously an extremely early version so it feels a bit unfair to give any criticism, but I will say the gameplay loop and mechanics already feel quite addicting. It would make sense balance-wise for future weapons to have a capped fire rate, but damn if it isn't fun to butterfly click and decimate a single enemy - maybe an idea for a powerup or something? Of course the lewd stuff has a great style to it, even in this rough stage. When I first started "collecting" enemies, my eyes played tricks on me and I thought their poses were advancing as I picked up more of the same enemy, which could also be an idea for the future. Overall, I really love the base you've built here and can't wait to see where you take it!


im glad you liked this very early version so far :D

ive been feeling a little burnt out wiht this project recently, but i may update it soon, so watch out for that whenever it happens :)

and having the poses advance as you go on does sound like a very fun idea, will absolutely keep that in mind :)

(1 edit)

this is already pretty cool (was following the old upload and thought this was dead). So, love how clean this feels (pixel sprites, HUD art and (at least the shaping and poses) of the scetches), feels decently fluid to play and pretty clear to read.
I do wonder about some stuff though so here as constructive as i am able to put it:
1.Weapon design: the weapons and projectiles kinda feel at odds with the sexual nature of the game (like, why do i leave demons in a puddle by shooting big flaming orbs out of a cave story style capital G Gun at them? I'd like if especially the projectiles (and maybe even the weapons) felt softer&warmer instead of sharp searing lasers... as the example with isaac and his tears or some of the spellwork in wizard of legend to name some stuff in the same genre.
2.A bit of humor and levity (with a view lines of intro text or a speech bubble here or there would do wonders in giving this some more distinct character.
3.This is just knowing  the old version but i would just nudge you to think about differing movement patterns/speeds/pathing between enemies (like charging rushes or enemies that pop out to shoot periodically) as that is the biggest axis of challenge (because it makes you leave cover) when playing a twin-stick shooter (at least for me)

Again i can understand if any of this may be by design and just want to mark down what i noticed. There is a lot to like here, even with there not being that much in total (the Health bar is actually genius ;P) and i'd really like if this grew at least a little more

Also this version is bugged in a way that item rooms don't despawn their colourful (obfuscation?) blocks whenever I enter so i can't see or pick up anything other than the basic gun 

In any case, good luck and thanks :)

hey there! Glad you're enjoying the game so far :D

There is currently only one weapon in the game, and everything about it, from it's sprites to it's actual function, is currently a placeholder, which is why the item rooms don't work at the moment either. I'm planning to update the textures of that and the bullets in the future :)

Enemy designs are still kind of early, I have a few but they haven't been properly drawn or thought out, but I will try to add more interesting ones in the future. 

I haven't got much in terms of story at the moment, but adding some humour is a good idea, I already have a framework for popup text so it shouldn't be too difficult to add haha.

All in all, it's still very early, but keep checking back and hopefully it'll become more like an actual game in the future:)



Heya! Sorry for taking a day, but for 0.0.4, there is a clear improvement. More rooms, seemingly. I don't know if I was just lucky in 0.0.3, but multiple paths, with some leading to dead ends. I'd have to check, but the gun seems to have been nerfed a bit. That is a good change, I'd say. Also, it seems more mobs spawned, which also brought up a bit of difficulty. Of course, no hit for me still because I'm too much of a gamer, but still noticeable. I have a few suggestions, but this time I'll message them over Discord.

Once again, great work!

thanks again :D

It may be a few days before 0.0.5, as I'm going to essentially just add more content, more sprites, animations, rooms etc, and maybe even finally add more guns. But yeah, message over discord any time and I'd be happy to talk about anything 



Love the update. I don't know if you did anything movement-wise, but for some reason, it seemed smoother. Also, nice to see the level generation is working well! Honestly, everything done in this update has no faults and is a clear improvement from 2.0, and it's instantly noticeable.

Just while playing and between my last comment, I did come up with a few ideas that maybe you could explore in the next or far-future updates:

  • Maybe a charge shot for gun types. Through playing, I was always wanting to hold down the shoot button to charge a shot that, of course, took some time but did more damage. Maybe while charging, your move speed could be reduced by half or something.
  • Of course, this is more for a future update, but I'd be quite interested if the world had a story behind it. Certainly doesn't need to be "deep" or anything, especially for this genre of game, yet maybe you could do something where somehow you got trapped in a cave filled with monsters and they all "want you."
  • Once again, more of a future idea, but I'd like to see some smaller rooms. Actually, of course, with this sort of game, bigger rooms are really better, but I would like to see the occasional one-screen room.
  • Boss room: Of course, as I can visually see, you have an endpoint of the level set out, but like the games it's based on, maybe a big room with a boss. I mean, another idea to make it more unique is you don't actually have to fight the boss on a floor, but if you do, it provides a benefit. Of course, like on some of the floors, make it mandatory to do so, though.

thanks for even more feedback about my game :D

im planning to add a big boss room in the future, thats one of the rooms with a coloured square at the moment, im just planning on leaving that until the rest of the gameplay is really solid.

more weapon types are also (hopefully) coming, as well as a story potentailly, although i dont have much for that yet lol.

Ive actually just published a new version of the game, theres not much different, pretty much just a minimap and coins dropping, but thats something at least :D